Day 4: How to make money blogging

This post may contain affiliate links. 

Can I tell you just how excited I am for today's lesson.?

Ok.. I’m super SUPER excited.

Because in today's lesson we're finally going to talk about how to actually make money online with your blog. 

In this lesson, we’re going to cover a few of the best and most reliable ways to begin making money online and turn your influence (no matter how small it is) into real-life dollars and cents.

But first. What the heck is monetization? 

Monetization is the action or process of earning revenue from an asset or business. In other words, it’s just a fancy word for making money.

Get it? Got it? Good!

Now without further adieu, let's get into it…

Here are 3 ways to monetize your blog and make passive income online.

1. Join an Ad Network, Adsense (Advertising)

I wanted to start with this particular monetization strategy because it's perhaps one of the easiest to understand and easiest to accomplish. 

If you head over to my lifestyle blog Hello Bombshell (check it out after this lesson), you’ll notice this website has advertisements displayed on many of the pages. 

You probably don't even ever give this much thought, but owners of blogs and websites are paid big money to display these advertisements. 

I make what most people make in a day at a 9-5 just on the advertisements alone on my blog. And the more blog posts I create, the more ads can be displayed, and the more money I can make. 

Now that's what I call real passive income!

If you create an optimized website with Bluehost + WordPress, advertisers will pay you for even a tiny piece of real estate on your website.

An ad network will help you negotiate the best ads and the best rates for your website. Then every month the ad network sends you your coins just for having some ads displayed on your website. 

2. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is another favorite monetization strategy that I love. 

Affiliate marketing is basically recommending products that you love to people on your website or blog.

When those people buy using a special referral link unique to you, you make a commission (at no additional cost to them). 

It’s basically a win-win-win for everyone involved. 

Just about every major brand you can think of has an affiliate program you can sign up for and promote. 

Traditional Retailers like Target, Asos, and Pier One Imports have affiliate programs. Software companies like Bluehost, Skillshare, and Elementor have affiliate programs. 

But probably one of the best affiliate programs of there by far (in my opinion), is Amazon. 

Why do I love the Amazon affiliate program? 

Because everyone shops on Amazon, anyway. To buy books, makeup, furniture, even fashion. It’s a company that people already know, like, and trust. And so it’s always an easy sale.

3. Selling Digital Products

Ok — can I have one more favorite monetization strategy?

Because, oh how I love love love selling digital products online. 

Whats a digital product? A digital product is just something you can sell that people can download after purchase. 

So unlike selling physical products, there's no production costs, no overhead costs, no shipping hassle. With just a click of a button and a sale is complete. 

Some digital products you're probably already familiar with include online courses, ebooks, or downloadable workbooks. 

But there are soooo many digital product ideas that you can easily make and sell independently or on a digital marketplace like Etsy.

The best part is that once you create a digital asset, you can sell that asset and make revenue from selling copies of that asset over and over again for years to come. 

Whew! That was a lot to cover, I know.

And just imagine — these are just some of the ways to generate income online (ways I've personally currently do). 

I'm going to leave you with that for right now. Let's link again tomorrow babe. Same place same time. 

Bombshell Entrepreneur is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to See full disclosure

how to make money blogging

Hello, Bombshell!  I’m Jenaae. I teach ambitious women about entrepreneurship, blogging, and how to make money online. 

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